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Vibration Exposure Measurements

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security issued a Regulation on Protection of Employees from Vibration Risks in 2013. This regulation describes the minimum requirements that must be at work in order to protect employees from health and safety risks arising from exposure to mechanical vibration. During the preparation of the said regulation, the directive 2002 / 44 / EC published in the European Union countries was taken as basis.

Definitions mentioned in the Regulation are as follows:

  • Whole-body vibration is a mechanical vibration that, when spread to the entire body, creates hazards to the health and safety of the worker, particularly discomfort in the lumbar region and spine.
  • Hand-arm vibration is a mechanical vibration that, when spread to the hands and arms of the body, poses a danger to the health and safety of the worker, causing joint, bone, vessel, nerve and muscle disorders.
  • The exposure action value is the value that, if exceeded, requires the control of hazards arising from the exposure of the worker to vibration.
  • Exposure limit value is the value that employees should not be subjected to any vibration above.

In the said regulation, exposure action values ​​and exposure limit values ​​are determined as follows:

  • For hand-arm vibrations,
    • Daily exposure limit for eight hours of operation, 5 m / s2
    • Daily exposure action value for eight hours run time, 2,5 m / s2
  • For all body vibrations,
    • Daily exposure limit for eight hours of operation, 1,15 m / s2
    • Daily exposure action value for eight hours run time, 0,5 m / s2

Employers are required to carry out risk assessment in the workplace, to measure the level of mechanical vibration to which workers are exposed, and to determine the exposure values ​​to mechanical vibration. These measurements are carried out in accordance with the Regulation on Laboratories for Measurement, Testing and Analysis of Occupational Hygiene. Businesses are obliged to eliminate the risks arising from exposure at source or to minimize their effects. In this context, it is required to select other operating methods if necessary, to use work equipment with the lowest possible vibration, to provide auxiliary equipment to reduce the impact of vibrations, or to implement appropriate maintenance programs for the work equipment.


Our company scope of surveillance servicesconducts vibration exposure measurements in accordance with relevant regulations and standards published by domestic and foreign organizations.