Elevators are among the lifting and conveying machines that carry serious risks in terms of human health and property safety. That is why the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology issued the Elevator Operation, Maintenance and Periodic Control Regulation in 2015. This regulation has been published in order to ensure that the elevators carrying people and cargo are used in a way that does not endanger the safety of life and property. The regulation includes the principles for the operation of lifts, regular checks, improvement and inspection of existing elevators, sales and warranty and conditions of the manufacturers.
Pursuant to this regulation, elevators used to transport people and cargo must be inspected at least once every two years after commissioning and after two years. These controls are carried out to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. The municipalities are responsible for ensuring that the elevators are inspected by the A-type inspection body in this way and for monitoring whether these checks have been carried out. Otherwise, the municipalities have the authority to seal and close the elevators.
Regular inspections of elevators shall be carried out by inspection, testing and testing personnel, mechanical engineers, mechanical technicians, high technicians, electrical-electronic engineers or persons trained in regular inspections of elevators.
The Regulation on Health and Safety Conditions in the Use of Work Equipment regulates the minimum conditions that must be complied with in terms of health and safety during the use of elevators and equipment used in the workplaces.
Our company performs the periodic control and inspection services of the elevators in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and standards and test methods published by domestic and foreign institutions. A few standards considered in these studies are:
- TS EN 13015 + A1 Maintenance of elevators and escalators - Rules for maintenance instructions
- TS EN 81-3 + A1 Lifts - Safety regulations for construction and assembly - Part 3: Electrical and hydraulic service lifts
- TS EN 81-20 Safety rules for the construction and installation of elevators - Elevators for the transport of persons and goods - Part 20: Elevators of persons and goods
- TS ISO 9386-1 Power-driven lifting platforms for handicapped people - Safety, dimensions and rules for functional operation - Part 1: Vertical lifting platforms
- TS EN ISO 14798 Lifts, escalators and escalators - Risk assessment and risk reduction