When electromagnetic interference is referred to, electromagnetic noise signals emitted by a number of sources, such as high current and high voltage drive systems, radio frequencies, microwave transmitters, switched power supplies, electric arc welding machines, and lightning, can be used to interfere with other devices with electronic components in the same environment. It is understood that it affects the work negatively. Electromagnetic interference is briefly referred to as EMI (EMI is an abbreviation of the initials of the English term Electromagnetic Interference).
For the sake of clarity, devices that produce waves that cause an electromagnetic interference are called welding devices. Devices that are exposed to and affected by radiation emitted by the source device are called victim devices. In short, an electronic or electrical system or a device may be affected by, or cause interference with, other devices in the same environment. In this case, any electronic or electrical system or device can be both a source device and a victim device.
There are two main ways in which electromagnetic interference can reach and affect electronic or electrical systems. Either by radiated or by electrical conduction.
An electronic device can undergo electromagnetic interference in four ways:
- Radiated Emission
- Radiated Immunity
- Conducted Emission
- Conducted Immunity
Electromagnetic compatibility is a concept that expresses the level of immunity of these devices to interference that may adversely affect the operation of electronic and electrical systems and to what extent they affect the proper functioning of other devices in the same environment. Today, the applications of electromagnetic compatibility are regulated according to the limit values determined by the standards prepared in order to ensure the smooth and proper operation of electronic and electrical devices with different technical characteristics.
Electromagnetic compatibility tests and measurements are performed in all laboratories. our organization of EMC tests tests in accordance with the relevant legal regulations, standards and test methods published by domestic and foreign organizations.
Our institution, from the ÖSAS Accreditation Institution, Accredited according to TS EN ISO / IEC 17025 standard.