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Third Party Inspections

An important part of the audit activities consists of second-party and third-party audits. The second party audit is the audits performed by the companies before the supplier companies. The enterprises request second party audit studies in order to review the processes of the supplier companies, examine their activities on the spot, see the applications, understand the application deficiencies, and determine the elimination of process nonconformities by corrective and preventive activities.

Third-party audits are audits conducted by an auditing firm on the request of the enterprises and whether their processes, production activities and applications are based on a certification study or not. Businesses require third-party audits to understand system implementation levels, to identify nonconformities, to see how effectively corrective and preventive actions are being implemented, and to identify the status and points of improvement of their processes.

Third party audits have many benefits to businesses in this respect. These benefits are listed below:

  • It is determined how successful they are in various management system applications.
  • Non-conformities that cannot be detected by the company's own management and control systems are identified.
  • It is ensured that corrective and preventive activities of the enterprise are increased and they are maintained more effectively.
  • The situations of the operational processes are analyzed and points that need to be improved are identified.
  • It is ensured that improvement suggestions submitted to the enterprise for the processes and organizational structure are applied.
  • The efficiency of the company increases with the audits and improvements made.
  • In this way, the costs of the enterprise are reduced and alternative costs are determined.
  • With these studies, the prestige and trust of the enterprise in the market is increasing and gaining reputation.

our organization provides third party audit services to enterprises within the scope of audit services. In this context, our organization, and in compliance with the relevant legal regulations, standards published by domestic and foreign organizations and generally accepted audit methods. Services provided to businesses under third-party audits are mainly:

  • Supplier audits
  • Unannounced inspections
  • Witness inspections
  • Confidential customer controls
  • Loading controls

Businesses with these studies benefits from the audit.

The concept of audit is a concept that is perceived very differently according to the field and activity being audited. In addition to past financial information, enterprises strive to be open and transparent in their production activities. In an environment where consumer rights are increased and protected, companies attach more importance to the production of products and services within defined criteria and standards, as well as the use of generally accepted production methods and technologies.

In this respect, supplier audits, unannounced audits performed at various units and supplier companies, inspections carried out as confidential customers, loading controls and many other audits and controls are important in terms of both producing high quality products and services of enterprises and protecting consumer rights and not creating customer dissatisfaction. it is.